Wednesday, June 1, 2016

6.1.16 - Cape Cod Museum of Natural History - Butterfly House is OPEN!
Brewster, MA

If you've never been to a butterfly room or a butterfly house and are interested in visiting one on Cape Cod - you now have your opportunity at the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History. When I was volunteering there on Sunday, participating in the grand opening & special event - The Butterfly Munch - I was able to take a few photos to show them off here!  It is a beautifully designed house and the native species housed here seasonally help spread the message about how very important they are in a healthy ecosystem.  The photo ops are fabulous and, as is the case for exhibits and events at the museum... there is always an opportunity to learn something new.  I learned how to tell the female from the male Monarch, which I thought was way cool.  See photos below to learn the difference.  Hope you get to spend some time in the Butterfly House at your next visit to the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History! (double click photos to enlarge

Gorgeous Monarch Butterflies

Monarch Butterfly (top)
Painted Lady Butterfly (bottom)

I learned the difference between female & male Monarchs.
Notice the veins are much thicker on HER wings & no dots near the veins on 
either side of her lower abdomen.

This is a male Monarch Butterfly.  Notice the veins 
are thinner on the wings and there is a black dot/enlargement
near the veins on either side of his lower abdomen.

Painted Lady Butterfly

These butterflies even kick it like Greg Brady - stylish...
(those bead curtains are actually help entering & exiting the butterfly house, in 
order to assist any potential hitchhiking butterflies on human visitors...
plus they look & sound groovy)

My little butterfly posing with the natives.

Happy Butterflying!  Click here for details on feedings & information for 
the new Butterfly House at the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History

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