Yarmouth, MA
We are beginning to feel the end of the school year approaching, which is always exciting... The anticipation of summer is the cause for moods to lift and smiles to show on Cape Cod. It's the season many of us live here for! The world is turning all green again, and when kids want to go swimming - well, they're more brave than I to jump into any swimming hole they have access too - so off we went. We are fortunate to live within walking distance of Flax Pond, and there is a summer day camp there as well. Why not test the waters and see & hear what we could see and hear on the way. It was later in the day, so there wasn't too much bird activity, plus it had been a drizzly day, which had rinsed the pollen off of... everything. They got their swim in & we all got a walk in the woods, which is good, no matter what. (double click photos to enlarge)
Our List:
Eastern Towhee
Song Sparrow
Black-capped Chickadee
Northern Cardinal
Common Grackle
Check out this crazy looking gall! One of the girls discovered it
and I had to research it when we got back home. It is a wool sower gall, which
houses young wasp grubs. Charming. Galls form when these wasps lay their eggs typicallly in the winter, and as the eggs mature into grubs, their enzymatic secretions form galls on plant life. This particular Dr.Seuss-looking gall is specific to white oak (the sapling it's growing on) and is from the wasp known as Callirhytis seminator.
Lady Slippers are in bloom now...
Happy Birding, and swimming!