John Wing Trail, Brewster MA
Summer on Cape's why I moved here from Framingham. We used to vacation in Brewster for years and now I get to spend incredible beautiful mornings, on a marshy & wooded trail with bird lovers. Life is GOOD! Summer can be frustrating in that the foliage can often turn a bird watching adventure into a bird LISTENING challenge. Maybe that's why folks have decided to call the hobby (obsession) birding, because...well...sometimes you hear more than you see. Our happy group did see plenty of birds doing their thing, we also did hear a few species who decided to tease us with their calls, rather than flaunt their plumage.
Our List:
Black-capped Chickadee
American Goldfinch
Song Sparrow
European Starling
Gray Catbird
Eastern Towhee (heard)
American Robin
Mourning Dove
Pine Warbler juvenile
Northern Flicker
Northern Cardinal
Snowy Egret (so BEAUTIFUL as they flew overhead...)
(double click on photos to enlarge)
Song Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Gray Catbird
Mourning Dove
American Robin juvenile ( I spotted this baby on the way back to the museum)
American Robin juvenile (note the very speckled breast)
Next opportunity for Tuesday Tweets: 8.19.14 Cape Cod Museum of Natural History
9:30am $2Members/$4 NonMembers
Happy Birding!